Hi Ladies,
Recently the gorgeous and lovely Tali over at The Gloss Goss wrote a post called Gratefulness and it really got me thinking. Basically, she decided to write about things in her life that she is grateful for and encouraged her readers to do the same. It was such a lovely post and beautifully written. See it here.
I think, as humans, we tend to make big dramas of the things that are not so great in our lives and forget about all of the things that we are generously blessed with. All of our energy is drained from worrying about certain situations, what is going wrong, that we never take the time to step back and appreciate the positives.
From today, I want to try to remind myself of my blessings and let go of the things that worry me and make me unhappy. It's not an easy thing to do but I think that we should all make a conscious effort to try.
I want to write about three things that I'm blessed with and I'd love it if you could do the same in the comments box below.
1) I have a handful of friends that I can call in the middle of the night and I know that they will be there for me no matter what. They are patient with me, sometimes having the same conversation a million times over, they know when to be harsh with me and when to be kind and they offer the best advice in the world. They only want the best for me and support me through everything.
2) I'm fortunate enough to have a career that means if I'm disciplined with myself, I can save enough money to do the things that I want to (buy a house, go on holiday.) It's hard word but I accept the fact that I'm fortunate enough to be comfortable and enjoy what I'm doing on a day to day basis too.
3) Family
Thank you for reading, as always.
I look forward to hearing your blessings.
Lots of love,
Great post and your 3 things are lovely! Hope you have a great easter weekend! <3 :)